Business Website Hosting & Domain Hosting

Website Hosting
Consolidated provides website hosting with virus scan and daily server backups. Included with the package is a 24/7 unlimited FTP access account for large file transfer. Consolidated can host your email or redirect to a hosted service or server of your choice.
- WordPress Single Site CMS
- Hosting packages include Domain hosting.
- Does not require Internet Access Account
- Supports .Net scripting, and PHP scripting.
- Does support Access and SQL databases
- Branded domain name required
- Does NOT include cost of domain registration, SSL certificates, or third-party software.
Domain Name Hosting
A domain hosting package is needed when you want to use a domain name with your e-mail address, but not host a full website. Domain name registrations are done through third-party registrars such as Network Solutions or GoDaddy.com. If you have any questions please give us a call at 701-483-4000
To get started, fill out our online Domain Hosting form here.
To visit with one of our Sales Team:
Phone: 701-456-5252
Fax: 701-456-5243
Email: sales@consolidatedtelcom.com
Web & Domain Hosting Change Request Form
If you need to make a change with your web or domain hosting, please start with this form and a representative from Consolidated will contact you. Thank you.
Web & Domain Hosting Change Request Form